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  • 1  Studies on the techniques for the monitoring and controlling foodborne illness
    Liu Xiumei
    [Abstract](2476) [HTML](0) [PDF 411.67 K](5465) [Cited by](91)
    为最大程度地控制我国食源性疾病的发生 ,“食源性疾病监控技术的研究”于 2 0 0 1年被列入“十五”国家科技攻关计划。“食源性疾病监控技术的研究”项目建立了全国食源性疾病监测网络 ,分析了 1992年至 2 0 0 1年的食源性疾病暴发资料 ,对 2 0 0 2年部分个案进行了监测与分析。在常见食物病原菌DNA指纹图谱技术的研究 ,PCR快速检测技术的研究方面取得了满意的结果。建立了鸡蛋中沙门氏菌危险性评估模型 ,对牡蛎中副溶血性弧菌进行了定量监测与危险性评估。建立了国家食源性疾病监测数据库及信息系统。该研究将有效地提高我国食品卫生监督检测系统对食物中毒致病菌的快速检测和鉴定水平 ,为全国的系统监测提供技术支撑 ,为缩小我国食源性疾病监控技术与发达国家的差距 ,科学地监控食源性疾病迈出了重要的一步 ,为政府及国际食品法典提供了有价值的政策依据。
    2  Study on the test methods for the health food assessment on anti-fatigue effects.
    //He Laiying Yan Weixing Lou Mimi et al/
    [Abstract](2077) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.01 M](4365) [Cited by](60)
    The suit experimental methods for the assessment of function food were established, including: swimming experiment, live glycogen, serum urea nitrogen(SUN) and blood lactate concentration test. All above methods have been verified repeatedly to be stabile, reliable and the actual effects of function foods can be examined. It is easy to operate and the special instruments are not needed except the instrument for lactate determination. Author's address He Laiying, Institute of Food Safety Control and Inspection, the Ministry of Public Health of PRC, Beijing 100021, PRC.
    3  Food contamination monitoring and analysis in 2000 in China
    Wang Maoqi Wang Zhutian Bao Dayue et al.
    [Abstract](1267) [HTML](0) [PDF 310.28 K](4719) [Cited by](58)
    4  Preliminary survey on status of food allergy in young Chinese students
    吕相征 刘秀梅 杨晓光
    [Abstract](3176) [HTML](0) [PDF 244.34 K](5173) [Cited by](50)
    5  Active surveillance on Vibrio parahaemolyticus in retail seafoods from coastal areas of China in 2003
    LIU Xiu mei CHENG Su yun CHEN Yan YUAN Bao jun DAI Jian hua MA Qun fei DAI Chang fang YAN Ji wen
    [Abstract](1835) [HTML](0) [PDF 211.04 K](4598) [Cited by](44)
    According to the data collected by the National Foodborne Diseases Surveillance Network, the food poisoning caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus is going up in China recent years. In order to get more information about the V. parahaemolyticus contamination in retail seafoods, 236 samples, including sea crustacean (69), shellfish (116) and fish (51) were collected from the seafood wholesale markets (9), retail markets (128) and hotels (99) in four coastal provinces, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Fujian in China within the period from September to December 2003. The V. parahaemolyticus in seafood samples was determined qualitatively and quantitatively by the Vitek identification system and the most probable number (MPN) technique. V. parahaemolyticus was isolated from 38 6% of all the samples (91/236). A significantly larger number of positive findings involved the samples collected from Zhejiang Province. Incidence of V. parahaemolyticus in crustacean, shellfish and fish were 49 3%, 37 9% and 25 5%, respectively, with the mean densities of V. parahaemolyticus in positive samples 171 4, 76 9, and 50 7 MPN per 100 grams, respectively. High frequency of V. parahaemolyticus was detected in retail seafoods. It is concluded that this organism needs to be intensively monitored and controlled in raw seafoods.
    6  Detection of soybean isoflavones by the method of ultraviolet spectrophotomretry
    Zhang Yumei Sun Xuebin Gao Xunian et al.Author''s adderss ZhangYumei Harbin Medical University PRC
    [Abstract](1497) [HTML](0) [PDF 878.11 K](4334) [Cited by](40)
    为建立一种检测食物中大豆异黄酮含量的快速分析方法 ,以大豆中的活性成分金雀异黄素为标准品 ,在其紫外最大吸收峰 2 59nm处测定大孔吸附树脂法配合溶剂法提取制得的大豆异黄酮试样的含量 ,大豆异黄酮试样中总异黄酮的含量以金雀异黄素计算为 38.7%。平均加样回收率为99.86% ,相对标准偏差为 2 .6% ,方法简便 ,重现性好 ,可作为检测大豆异黄酮含量的一种手段。
    7  Studies on National Surveillance System for Food Contaminations and Foodborne Diseases in China
    WANG Mao-qi LIU Xiu-mei WANG Zhu-tian
    [Abstract](1764) [HTML](0) [PDF 198.64 K](4682) [Cited by](37)
    Objective To understand the current situation of foodborne diseases prevalence and food contaminants in food in China. Methods Following the Tenth-five Years Plan, Food Safety Key Technology Program started up, the National Surveillance Network for Food Contamination and foodborne diseases have been strengthened and consummated. During the last three years, the surveillance regions have been extended to 16 provinces, which covered about 65.58 percent Chinese populations. There were 36 chemical contaminants, 10 food additives and 6 foodborne pathogens in 29 various food commodities were detected and analyzed. Results The contamination of arsenic and mercuric have basic controlled, but the lead and cadmium contamination seriously. The average levels of lead in fresh milk products and preserved eggs exceed the National Limits, and higher levels in sea food and swine kidney product. The diet intakes of lead in Chinese population, especially in 2 years young children, are higher than the ADI recommended by WHO. Seven of the ten kind food additives were over added in some food products. The result of the risk assessment indicated that all the limits of food additives set in the National Standards on Food Additives are safe. The chloropropanols levels detected in export natural fermented soy sauce products meet with China Industry Standard and Europe limits,but the higher levels were found in the individual regional markets. The residues of the highness toxicity pesticides were detected, especially, the tea products were seriously contaminated by the pyrethroid and orangophosphorus pesticides. National Surveillance Network for Foodborne Diseases has been developed. The data of foodborne diseases were collected and analyzed. There are 46.4% cases reported caused by foodborne pathogens, 24.1% by chemical contaminants and 14.7% by the toxic animal or plant foods. The main foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Listeria monotocygenes, E.coli O157:H7, Campylabacter and Enterbacter sakazakii were isolated from various food especially meat and seafood products. Among hundreds Salmonella isolates from food, 20% of them are multiple antimicrobial resistant. A multiple antimicrobial resistant strain of Salmonella typhimurium was fund. The charaterization of antimicrobial resistant is quite similar to Salmonella typhimurium DT104. Conclude The results will be scientifically contributed for controlling the chemical and microbial hazards in food and their impact for human health, as well as for revising of food hygiene legislation and criteria in China.
    8  Development of constipation model of mice
    Li Yepeng Cui Shenghui Jiang Tao et al. Author''''s address Li Yepeng Institute of Food Safety Control Inspection Ministry of the Public Health of PRC PRC.
    [Abstract](1648) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.18 M](4367) [Cited by](35)
    Diphenoxylate was administrated to mice by the dose of 10 mg/kg BW for the development of constipation model for formulation of examination procedure of health foods. The time of defecation of the first black urine, quantity and weight of urine with 6 hours were statistically significant different compared with the control group. The results presented the stability and reliability of the model and it was recommended to verify in the function experiments of health foods.
    9  Risk Assessment and food safety
    Chen Junshi National Institute for Nutrition Food Safety China CDC Beijing
    [Abstract](1852) [HTML](0) [PDF 161.16 K](4627) [Cited by](31)
    Risk assessment is the key component of risk analysis together with risk management and risk communication. FAO/WHO encourages member states to used risk assessment as the basis of their national food standard development, in order to harmonize national standards and avoid trade dispute. Risk assessment is comprised of hazard identification, hazard characterization, intake assessment and risk characterization. The major outcome of risk assessment of chemical hazards is the development of tolerable intake levels, such as, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI), etc. These outcomes could be applied to all populations in different geographical areas in the world. On the other hand, the outcome of intake assessment could not be applied universally, so each country should conduct intake assessment in the development of national standards. For carcinogens without threshold, the outcome of risk assessment is presented as potency and population risk. Recently, microbial risk assessment (RMRA) is being conducted internationally, i.e. to study the dose-response relationship in food borne disease and estimate the amount of microorganisms that could cause 50% of the consumers developing disease. In China, risk assessment is being used routinely in food safety standard development, especially in standards related to chemical contaminants. However, further improvements are needed as compared with the risk assessment practice in the developed countries.

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