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  • 1  Toxicology and risk management of the mineral oil hydrocarbons of food contact material
    ZHONG Huaining ZHU Lei LU Qian CHEN Yanfen PAN Jingjing LI Dan ZHENG Jianguo
    2019, 31(3):284-290. DOI: 10.13590/j.cjfh.2019.03.019
    [Abstract](59887) [HTML](0) [PDF 11.97 M](5071)
    The mineral oil hydrocarbons (mineral oil hydrocarbons, MOHs) are complex mixtures comprising various type of hydrocarbons. Toxicological data for MOHs is currently relatively lacking. It is still controversial whether toxicological data from animal experiments can be extrapolated to the human body. The main concern about the toxicity of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) is their bioaccumulation effect, MOSH with carbon number in the range C16-C35 are able to accumulate in tissues and cause microgranulomas. Mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) containing 3 to 7 aromatic rings are considered to be potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic, and are potential endocrine disruptors. Thus, European Food Safety Authority concluded that the exposure to hydrocarbon minerals may pose a health concern. Food contact materials is one of main source of mineral oil contamination in foods. The contamination of mineral oil caused by use of recycled food packaging paper requires special attention and further control. In order to perform an accurate risk assessment on mineral oils, toxicological studies and exposure assessment on mixed and specific components of mineral oils should be carried out based on chemical composition rather than viscosity character.
    2  Detection of genetically modified papaya in Shenzhen market in 2012
    YANG Yong-cun LI hao YANG Dong-yan DENG Pin-jian
    2013, 25(5):419-423.
    [Abstract](28617) [HTML](0) [PDF 5.28 M](4807)
    To screen and identify the genetic strains of genetically modified (GM) papayas in Shenzhen market for the sake of food safety risk assessment, and in order to provide scientific base for government regulation.Methods57Papayas were randomly collected from Shenzhen markets, detected by Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with CaMV35S promoter and NOS terminator for screening. The GM positive samples were identified with strain-specific primers and probes. ResultsIn 57papaya samples, the GM positive rate was 91.2% including 96.1% GMYK16-0-1strain and 3.9% Huanong-1strain respectively. Other strains were not detected. There was significant difference in the positive rates of transgenic papaya between supermarket and terminal market origin. No sample was labeled GM relevant.ConclusionNearly 90% GM papayas were the line that had not been approved by Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. Therefore the administrative departments should reinforce the supervision of GM papaya.
    3  Comparison of methods detecting Escherichia coli 0157: H7 in foods
    Zhou Yong Zhang Jing Hou Shuiping Deng Zhiai Wu Xinwei Chen Shouyi Chen Shouyi
    2012, 24(1):27-29.
    [Abstract](6495) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](5142)
    To examine the specificity and sensitivity of traclitional cultural method, immunomagnetic heads separation method (IMS) , VIDAS, BAX and Loop-mediated isothermal amplific:ation ( LAMP) method for the detection of 0157: H7 in foods. Methods Traditional cultural method, IMS, VIDAS, BAX and LAMP method were used and compared in detecting 0157: H7 in pork samples. Results The detection rate of BAX, LAMP, IMS and VIDAS method was 89. 1% , 85.9% , 75. 0% and 78. 1% respectively, while that of traditional cultural method was only 43. 8%. Conclusion BAX and LAMP mObjectiveethod were proved to be rapid, highly effective, specific and sensitive for the detection of 0157: H7 in foods.
    4  Usage Status and Comparison Analysis of the Food Colour in Some Countries(Regions)
    ZOU Zhi-fei PU Min LI Jian-jun CHEN Yong-hong
    2010, 22(2):112-120.
    [Abstract](5526) [HTML](0) [PDF 766.95 K](32922)
    Food color was divided into three categories,that was tar pigments, natural pigments and others. Edible tar pigment was classified to azo, triarylmethane, xanthene, fluorescent ketone, quinoline derivatives and indigo dye, and natural pigment was classified to tetrapyrroles (porphyrins) derivatives, isoprene derivatives, anthocyanin derivatives, ketone derivatives, quinone derivatives and the others according to their chemical structure.There are INS,E-number,C.I and the code about synthetic pigment in some countries in food color.The regulations and the use varieties about food color of China, CAC, Russia, EU, US, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong , Macao and China Taiwan was introduced respectively. Comparison analysis about differences in formulation of food additicve standard, prohibition about colour variety, attitude about usage of edible tar colour, and colour variety (tar colur,natural colour and others),scope and limits about color usage were performed with comparative analysis. Color usage in the produce of export food in accordance with standard of destination , focus on variety and limit of colour in import food according to their sources was proposed, and trends about usage of food color was Prospect ed also.
    5  Inspection on bacterial contamination of self-prepared cold dishes from 373 catering units
    Cao Wei Jian Youping Gao Ping Li Li Yang Hong Wu Jinxia Wang Bing Song Chao Wei Zemin
    2012, 24(1):77-79.
    [Abstract](5096) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](4935)
    Objective To understand the conditions of bacterial contamination in self-prepared cold dishes among catering units in Xicheng district of Beijing, to provide scientific basis for food security supervision and for establishing related hygienic standards. Methods Self-prepared cold dishes were collected from 373 catering units in Xicheng district of Beijing from April of 2009 to May of 2010 to inspect aerohic bacterial counts, coliform bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, .Salmon,ella and Shigella. Results The total eligible rate of hacteriological indicators inspected on 1917 cold dishes was 73. 81%. The eligible rate of aerohic bacterial count and coliform bacteria was 88. 63% and 77. 83% , respectively. N。 pathogen was detected in cold dishes. The eligible rates of cold dishes prepared from unheated principal raw materials ( 58. 60% ) or vegetables (70. 37% ) were low. Conclusion The bacterial contamination is serious in self-prepared cold dishes among catering units in Xicheng district of Beijing. The most serious problem was the high rate of coliform bacteria contamination exceeding standards in all or part of cold dishes prepared from principal raw materials unheated materials or vegetables. It is suggested that departments concerned should strengthen supervision and management of cold dishes, and establish national food safety standards for cold dishes as soon as possible.
    6  Benchmark dose method and its application in risk assessment
    Fang Jin Jia Xudong
    2011, 23(1):50-53.
    [Abstract](4805) [HTML](0) [PDF 490.82 K](6747)
    The objective of risk assessment is to establish the permissible exposure level of specific hazards for humans, which is traditionally achieved by no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) approach. Compared with the NOAEL approach, there are more advantages of the benchmark dose(BMD)approach on conducting scientific risk assessment. BMD approach and its application in risk assessment is introduced in the present review.
    7  Estimating copy number of transgenes in transformed rice by real-time quantitative PCR
    YANG Li tao ZHAO Zhi hui DING Jia yu ZHANG Cheng mei JIA Jun wei ZHANG Da bing
    [Abstract](4516) [HTML](0) [PDF 200.77 K](6018)
    为分析转基因水稻外源基因拷贝数,利用新型、灵敏、高通量的实时荧光定量PCR方法进行转基因水稻外源基因拷贝数的分析。转基因外源基因的拷贝数通过转基因水稻外源基因(GUS和HPT基因)和水稻内标准SPS基因含量的比较计算获得。定量分析了14株T0代的转基因水稻植株,得到了外源基因插入分别为1、2、3和4的转基因植株,同时利用Southern Blot方法进行验证分析。随机选择18个已经过定量PCR检测分析的转基因水稻植株,用Southern Blot的方法分析转基因水稻植株中的HPT或GUS基因的拷贝数,Southern Blot分析结果显示有15个转基因水稻植株的分析结果与定量PCR分析的结果是一致的,3个植株定量PCR分析的转基因拷贝数稍高于Southern Blot的分析结果,主要原因是Southern Blot方法在同一个插入位点有多拷贝的T-DNA片段插入时,转基因植株的基因组在完全酶切时会产生相似的DNA片段,电泳分析时很难分辨清楚。定量PCR方法则完全避免了这种情况的发生,除非目的基因DNA片段在PCR引物处发生断裂。两种方法分析结果的比较显示定量PCR方法分析转基因拷贝数更加有效、适用。
    8  National and international food safety assessment overview
    Li Ning Yan Weixing
    2011, 23(1):13-16.
    [Abstract](3927) [HTML](0) [PDF 711.55 K](24928)
    The result of food safety risk assessment is the scientific basis for formulating the food safety standards and for exercising food safety supervision and administration. To exert the effects of food safety risk assessment in supervision and administration, some countries established specific agencies for food safety risk assessment, as well as in China with National Food Safety Risk Assessment Expert Committee. Despite that there is still a long way to go for China in food safety risk assessment compared to developed countries, the technologies applied in formulating food safety standards, handling of food safety accidents and risk communications exerted significant effect. However, we still need to promote constructions building in system of food safety risk assessment from the aspects of organizations, capacities and technologies in risk assessment and human resources considering the situation of food safety and needs of food safety supervision.
    9  Preparation of Antibiotic Peptide from Skin of Rana Chensinensis and Study of Its Antibacterial Activity
    LIU Hong-yu CUI Hong-bin
    [Abstract](3884) [HTML](0) [PDF 331.60 K](5051)
    目的从中国林蛙的皮肤中,提取纯化具有抗菌活性的多肽物质,并对其进行抑菌活性的研究。方法用甲醇进行粗提取。对提取的甲醇浓度、甲醇用量、浸提时间和浸提次数,采用L9(3^4)正交实验,以蛋白含量作为指标,确定最佳提取条件。得到的粗提物经Sephadex G-75、Sephadex G~50和Sephadex G-25凝胶过滤进一步分离纯化获得抗菌肽。对抗菌肽进行氨基酸组成分析,采用杯碟法进行抑菌活性研究。结果提取林蛙抗菌肽的最佳工艺条件:甲醇浓度80%、甲醇体积为蛙皮重量的6倍、提取时间24h,提取次数3次。提取的粗提物经凝胶过滤后得到抗菌肽。抗菌肽的氨基酸组成中,碱性氨基酸占22.1%。酸性氨基酸占13.9%。抗菌肽对细菌的最低抑菌浓度分别为:枯草杆菌73.25μg/ml,金黄色葡萄球菌51.75μg/ml,大肠杆菌51.75μg/ml,铜绿假单胞菌51.75μg/ml。结论经甲醇提取和凝胶过滤可从中国林蛙皮肤得到抗菌肽。该抗菌肽为碱性多肽,对革兰阳性细菌、革兰阴性细菌均有抑制作用。
    10  Duplex Real-Time PCR for Quantitative Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Staphylococcus aureus in Foods
    JIANG Lu-yan CAI Tan-xi SHAO Jing-dong XU Bang-xing CHEN Pu-yan
    [Abstract](3609) [HTML](0) [PDF 277.50 K](4600)
    为同时测定食品中的副溶血性弧菌和金黄色葡萄球菌,建立了基于TaqMan探针的双重Real-time PCR方法.针对副溶血性弧菌的gyrB基因序列和金黄色葡萄球菌coa基因序列分别设计引物和TaqMan探针,建立双重Real-time PCR 检测体系,制作校正曲线,同步定量检测副溶血性弧菌和金黄色葡萄球菌.建立的双重Real-time PCR方法对2种细菌菌液的检测敏感度均低于10 CFU/PCR反应体系,相关系数均为1.00,整个试验可在2 h内完成.建立的方法可用于食品中副溶血性弧菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的快速、同步、定量检测。
    11  Study on the Establishment and Application of Food Poisoning Database
    LIN Xiang-tian YAN Shu-di ZHANG Jian-yang LUO Wen-gang LUO Xian-biao
    2010, 22(6):532-536.
    [Abstract](3413) [HTML](0) [PDF 470.79 K](4992)
    Objective To establish a food poisoning database for providing reference in handling food poisoning emergencies. Method All available data on studies of food poisoning were collected by computer on-line retrieval, screened and edited according to typical case reports with known etiological factors,characteristics of causative agents, latency period,symptoms,therapeutic principals,precautionary measures and other illustrations ( such as images ) . Results Seventy-eight kinds of food poisoning were selected into the database,including food poisoning caused by animal food,plant food,chemicals,pathogenic bacteria and food-borne illness caused by parasites and virus. Conclusion A food poisoning database ( stand-alone and network support) was established,and also provided references for publishing The guideline for the investigation and handling of food poisoning .
    12  Revision on the National food safety standard-standards for uses of food additives(GB 2760—2011)
    Wang Huali Zhang Jiyue Zhang Jianbo
    2011, 23(6):571-575.
    [Abstract](3345) [HTML](0) [PDF 223.37 K](27166)
    According to The Law of Food Safety,the related requirements of the State Council and the Ministry of Public Health,and the program of systemic revision of national food safety standards,the Hygienic Standards for the Use of Food Additives(GB 2760—2007) was revised by the National Institute of Nutrition and Food safety of China CDC in 2011.The revised parts are mainly on the regulations of using food additives,food processing aids and flavorings.The revision of the National food safety standard-...
    13  Phytosterols in 68 Kinds of Chinese Traditional Medicine
    HU Ye-mei,,, HAN Jun-hua WANG Su-fang YANG Yue-xin
    2010, 22(6):486-489.
    [Abstract](3318) [HTML](0) [PDF 101.95 K](6151)
    Objective To detect the content of phytosterols in 68 kinds of Chinese traditional herbal medicine and analyze the distribution of phytosterols in Chinese traditional herbal medicines. Method The content of β-sitosterol, campesterol,stigmasterol and β-sitostanol in 68 kinds of Chinese traditional herbal medicine commonly used in functional foods was analyzed by GC and the percentage of each ingredient was calculated. Results The contents of phytosterol in 68 kinds of Chinese traditional herbal medicine were from 5. 2 mg /100g to 321. 4 mg /100g. Total phytosterol was higher in seed,flower and bark. β-Sitosterol is the major part of total phytosterol in most samples. The Chinese traditional herbal medicines with higher phytosterols were used in health foods for anti-inflammation and lowering blood lipids. Conclusion There were certain amount of phytosterols in 68 kinds of Chinese traditional herbal medicines,which maybe the explanation for the function of Chinese traditional herbal medicines.
    14  Advance on Study of Biogenic Amines in Food
    HE Qing-hua WU Yong-ning YIN Yu-long
    [Abstract](3302) [HTML](0) [PDF 241.45 K](23269)
    If over-dose biogenic amines were eaten, it may have deleterious impacts on human and animals. To illustrate the effects of biogenic amines in food on human, the source, influential factors, metabolism and toxicological research of biogenic amines were briefly reviewed.
    15  Preliminary survey on status of food allergy in young Chinese students
    吕相征 刘秀梅 杨晓光
    [Abstract](3176) [HTML](0) [PDF 244.34 K](5162)
    16  Discussions on how to execute the penalty provision of giving warning before imposing fines in Food Safety Law
    Yu Youda
    2011, 23(4).
    [Abstract](3156) [HTML](0) [PDF 424.51 K](4653)
    Food Safety Law has stipulated that imposing fines if some one refusing to make corrections after giving warning.However,whether the penalty should be imposed directly to the person whose illegal activities had been corrected but violated the same again o
    17  Analysis on the Risk Management of Biosafety Laboratories
    WANG Lei LI Chun-yu
    2010, 22(6):524-527.
    [Abstract](3155) [HTML](0) [PDF 102.12 K](6573)
    Risk management is one of core elements in laboratory biosafety management,and risk management also plays an important role on the control and management of biorisks. The risk analysis,risk assessment and risk control in risk management was analyzed by using PDCA method. Based on the laboratory biorisk management standard and application experiences in industries, the concepts and the comprehensive implementation of risk management were generally introduced.

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